Научные конференции

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Следующая XCVII Международная научно-практическая конференция Конференция «International Scientific Review of the Problems and Prospects of Modern Science and Education» проводится 17.09.2024 г. Сборник в США (Boston. USA). Статьи принимаются до 13.09.2024 г.

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Информационное письмо о научной конференции

Пацан Василий Алексеевич / Patsan Vasyl – кандидат богословия, кандидат философских наук, старший преподаватель, кафедра философии, факультет общественных наук и международных отношений, Днепропетровский национальный университет им. Олеся Гончара, г. Днепр, Украина

Abstract: the article reveals the premises of overcoming the secularistic restrictions of the person's self-definition provoking the crisis of the self-identification in the current social-cultural situation; the author examines the ways of the dialogic interaction between theological and philosophical discourses initiating the formation of the post-secular horizon of perceiving the personhood; the study marks the perspective of defining the personal modus of human existence revealing for the post-traditionalist consciousness appealing to the meta-ontological dimension of the personality disclosed by the Supernatural Revelation, explained by the patristic theology and indicated in the sphere of philosophizing by Orthodox personalism.

Аннотация: в статье выявляются предпосылки преодоления секуляристских ограничений самоопределения человека, обусловивших кризис персональной идентификации в социокультурной ситуации современности; рассматриваются пути диалогического взаимодействия богословского и философского дискурсов, инициирующего формирование постсекулярного ракурса восприятия личностности; осмысливается перспектива определения личностного модуса человеческого существования, открывающаяся перед посттрадиционалистским сознанием при обращении к мета-онтологическому измерению личности, открытому Божественным Откровением, концептуализированному в святоотеческой триадологии и обозначенному в сфере философствования православным персонализмом.

Keywords: Trinitarian God, human cognition of God, communication with God, human personality, meta-ontology of personhood.

Ключевые слова: Триединый Бог, богопознание, богообщение, человеческая личность, мета-онтология личностности.


  1. Abba Dorotheos.Dushepolezniepoucheniyaiposlaniya [Soul-Profiting Teachings and Epistles] / Abba Dorotheos. M.:«Lodya», 2003. 287 p. [in Russian].
  2. Archimandrite Eulogius (Patsan V. A.) Pravoslavnoyeucheniyerolirazumanaputibogopoznaniya: dissertatsiyanasoiskaniyeuchenoystepenikandidatabogosloviya [The Orthodox Doctrine of the Role of Mind on the Way of the Human Cognition of God: A Thesis Submitted for the Scientific Degree of the Candidate of Theology / Archimandrite Eulogius (V. A. Patsan).Кyiv: КSA, 2008. 172p. [in Russian].
  3. LyotardJ.-F.Sostoyaniyepostmoderna [ThePostmodernCondition]/ J.-F. Lyotard. М.: TheInstitute, SPb.: Aleteya, 1998. 160 [in Russian].
  4. LosskyV. N.Bogoslovskoeponyatiechelovecheskoylichnosti [TheTheologicalNotiontheHumanPersonality]/ V. N. Lossky // TheVisionGod. Mn.: ByelorussianExarchate“Harvest”, 2007. P. 400-411.
  5. PatsanV. O. (BishopEulogiusNovomoskovsk) “ZaIpodoboyuBozshoyu”: byblyinivytokiydeyi [“InGod’dImage and after His Likeness”: Biblical Origins of the Concept of Personality] / V. O. Patsan (Bishop Eulogius of Novomoskovsk) // Hileya: the Scientific Herald: the Collection of Scientific Works / (Editorial Board: V. M. Vashkevych (the Editor-in-Chief) and others]. K.:Publishing House “Hileya”, 2015. Issue 99. P. 233–244 [in Ukrainian].
  6. Patsan V. O. (Bishop Eulogius of Novomoskovsk) Metaontologyia osobistosty u svytly Byblyinogo Odkrovennya / V. O. Patsan (Bishop Eulogius of Novomoskovsk) // Aktualny problemisocyialno-gumanitarnih nauk [The Topical Problems of Humanities. Proceedings of the Fifth Ukrainian Scientific Conference: Scientific Edition] / [Editorial Board: O. S. Tokovenko (the Scientific Editor) and others].Dnipropetrovsk: Publishing House «Іnnovation», 2015. P. 115-118 [in Ukrainian].
  7. Patsan V. O. (Bishop Eulogius of Novomoskovsk) Formuvannya metaontologychnogo vimyru osobistosty u svyatootets’kyi tryadologyy [The Formation of Meta-ontological Dimension of Personality in the Patristic Trinitology] /Dnipropetrovsk Nizhyn: “Publishing House, Issue 1P. 140-159 [in Ukrainian].
  8. Saint Basil the Great. Tvoreniya v 7 chastyah [Creative Works in 7 Parts] / Saint Basil the Great. М.: The Holy Trinity-St. Sergius,P. 6. 312 p. [in Russian].
  9. Uzlaner D. Vvedeniye v postseculyarnuyu filosofiyu / D. Uzlaner// Logos. Postseculyarnaya pilosofiya [Logos. Post-secular Philosophy]: the Philosophical-literary Magazine [Editorial Board: V. Anashvili (the Editor-in-Chief) and others]. M.: Gaidar Institute for Economic Policy, Centre of Phenomenological Philosophy of the Department of Philosophy of the Russian state university for the humanities, 2011. № 3 (82). P. 3-32 [in Russian].
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  11. Bowne B. P. Personalism / B. P. Boe. Boston, 1908. 354 p. [in English].
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  13. Caputo J.Between Philosophy and Theology: Contemporary Interpretations of Christianity / J. Caputo.Burlington, VT: Ashgate Pub, 2010. 252 p. [in English].
  14. Derrida J. Writing and Difference / J. Derrida. London: Routledge, 2001. 472 p. [in English].
  15. Habermas J. Religion ad Rationality: Essays on Reason, God and Modernity / J. Habermas, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2002. 384 p. [in English].
  16. Kyrlezhev A. The Post-secular Age: Religion and Culture Today / A. Kyrlezhev // Religion, State and Society, 2008. № 1(36). P. 21-31[in English].
  17. Lévinas E. Аutrement que savoir [Otherwise-than-Knowing]/ E. Lévinas, Guy Petitdemange, Jacques Rolland. Paris: Osiris, 1988. 95 p. [in French].
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  19. Milbank J. Faith, Reason and Imagination: the Study of Theology and Philosophy in the 21st Century / J. Milbank // Future of Love: Essays in Political Theology. Eugene, Oregon: Cascade books, 2009. 404 p. [in English].
  20. Patsan V. O.(Bishop Eulogius of Novomoskovsk)The Christian Roots of the Personalistic Philosophy / V. O. Patsan (Bishop Eulogius of Novomoskovsk) // 3 International conference on Eurasian scientific development [«East – West» Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education]. Vienna,Р. 202-205 [in English].
  21. Taylor Ch. A Secular Age/ Ch.Taylor. Cambridge, L.: Belknap press of Harvard university press, 2007. 874 p. [in English].


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