Медицинские науки


Makhmudova M.M.

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Abstract: the medicine firmly relies on experience of generations of Aesculapians since all times. For example, in the Middle Ages representatives of traditional medicine not only were engaged in practice of treatment of patients, but also investigated problems of emergence and the course of separate illnesses, generalizations of results of observations and the gathered experience. On their basis instructive treatises and encyclopedic help works, manuals for Aesculapians were written. Most of them remained in hand-written option both their attentive studying and the analysis gives the chance to add to experience of practical doctors and modern medical sciences new knowledge.

Keywords: books, manuscripts, treatises, Hakeem, tabib, doctor, Aesculapian, diseases, drugs, etc.

Махмудова М.М.

Махмудова Мухаббат Мадиримовна - старший преподаватель, кафедра пропедевтика внутренних болезней, Ургенчский филиал Ташкентская медицинская академия, г. Ургенч, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: медицина твердо опирается на опыт поколений врачевателей со всех времен. Например, в средние века представители народной медицины не только занимались практикой лечения пациентов, но и иследовали проблемы появления и течение отдельных недугов, обобщения результатов наблюдений и набранного опыта. На их основе были написаны поучительные трактаты и энциклопедические справочные труды, наставления для врачевателей. Большинство из них остались в рукописном варианте и их внимательное изучение и анализ даёт возможность обогатить опыт практических врачей и современную медицинскую науки новыми знаниями.

Ключевые слова: книги, рукописи, трактаты, хаким, табиб, лекарь, врачеватель, болезни, лекарства и др.

References / Список литературы

  1. Life and activity, creative heritage of Abu Bakr ar-Razi are comprehensively studied by the Uzbek scientists, professor A.A. Kadirov, candidates medical sciences U.T. Saipov, Yu.S. Arzumetov, etc.
  2. Doctor G.A. Kolosov, in the article "About National Doctoring at Grades and Kirgyz of Turkestan" ["О народном врачевании у сартов и киргизов Туркестана"], as well as many other authors, incorrectly included Abu Ali ibn Cynna in a row of the Arab Aesculapians, and Central Asia — only the place of its activity (SPb., 1903. ‒ P. 62). Actually, great Avicenna was born in the kishlak of Afshana that in 38 km. from Bukhara [in Russian].
  3. In 1954-1960 "The canon of medical science" [“Канон врачебной науки"] in 5 volumes is published in Russian, in Tashkent [in Russian].
  4. Abdullaev A.A. Sketches of history of development of medicine in Khwarezm [Очерки истории развития медицины в Хорезме]. Tashkent: Medicine, 1980. ‒ P. 72-73 [in Russian].
  5. Abdullaev A.A. Ismail Dzhurdzhani and Umar Chagmini — the famous erudite physicians of ancient Khwarezm [Исмаил Джурджани и Умар Чагмини — знаменитые ученые медики древнего Хорезма]. — Tashkent: Medicine, 1972; Abdullaev A.A. Ismail Dzhurdzhani and his "Treasury of horezmshakh"b [Исмаил Джурджани и его "Сокровищница хорезмшахов"]. — Tashkent, 1980; The First book "Treasury of Horezmshakh" by Dzhurdzhana is published by the Teheran university in 1965; Wisdom of centuries. Ancient Tajik medicine about maintaining health [Мудрость веков. Древняя таджикская медицина о сохранении здоровья]. — Dushanbe: Irfon, 1981 [in Russian].
  6. Collection of east manuscripts of AN of the Uzbek SSR [Собрание восточных рукописей АН Узбекской ССР], t. VII. – P. 284 [in Russian].
  7. A Turkic Medical Treatise from Islamic Central Asia: A Critical Edition of a Seventeenth-Century Chagatay Work by Subgan Qulï Khan. Edited, Translated and Annotated by László Károly. Brill’s Inner Asian Library. Volume 32. Editors: Michael Drompp; Devin Deweese; Mark C. Elliott. ― Leiden. 2015; Kadirov, A.A. Historiya of medicine of Uzbekistan [История медицины Узбекистана]. — Tashkent: Ibn Sino, 1994. ‒ P. 125 [in Russian].
  8. Professor A.A. Abdullaev managed to reveal and study several manuscripts written in the form of the comment to the work Hazaraspi. Subsequently they were included by it in the doctoral dissertation and the monograph "Sketches of History of Development of Medicine in Khwarezm" ["Очерки истории развития медицины в Хорезме"] of the same name (1980) [in Russian].
  9. Chasanoff X. Central Asian geographers and travelers [Среднеазиатские географы и путешественники]. —Tashkent: Uzbekistan, 1964. ‒ P. 229 [in Russian].
  10. Hasankari Laffasi (1880-1945) worked as the employee of the Khivan architectural museum of local lore and the manuscript of its work is stored in Institute of oriental studies AN of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In 1992 the brochure by H. Laffasi of "Tazkirai shuarro" ["Биография поэтов"], it was published in Urgench [in Russian].

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Ссылка для цитирования. Махмудова М.М. РУКОПИСНЫЕ ИСТОЧНИКИ ТЕРАПЕВТИЧЕСКОЙ НАУКИ И ПРАКТИКИ В УЗБЕКИСТАНЕ [HAND-WRITTEN SOURCES OF TERAPEVTICHESKAYA SCIENCES AND PRACTICIANS IN UZBEKISTAN] // IX INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC REVIEW OF THE PROBLEMS OF NATURAL SCIENCES AND MEDICINE Свободное цитирование при указании авторства: https://scientific-conference.com/grafik/grafik-2019-pervoe-polugodie.html  (Boston, USA - 04 February, 2019). с. {см. сборник}

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